Snake-Eye Fire King

Master I from on September 10th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 330
42 cards

Notes & Combos

A 30-10 climb to master I (half of lost due to tears), and it's my sixth master I in a row, all with sinful decks (2se, 3sefk and 1race)

The least used ex-monster is fucho(removed) and hyang. Zombie vampire has potential to get se when I only have fk, leading to extra IP and consistency, also getting opponent's information. Which gives me one more reason to play ulkanix.

I want to play one Almiraj in ex-deck but not that necessary.

TTT is extremely good but sucks when you draw two.

One last advice is always thinking about droll and nibiru when making field.

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