
Master I from on September 10th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 600
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Hello, it's me again, it's been long. I don't know how i got here since i really wasn't in the mood this season but i guess luck can carry you very far despite mood.

As i mentioned in the previous list, i don't post list unless i don't change them during run even when i do reach M1. And since you actually see this list, that means for some reason i really don't change my list this season for the climb. I usually play pure, which i did until i get to M5 but i want something different for the M1 climb.

Anyway, this list is the exact same one posted by my good friend RIP a few days ago. This variant play style is more active like a control deck than pure since you rely on our fossil boy and its barrier friends less. You still wish to see it but it's not your only play. I can't give much advise except play your cards in the correct order, know your matchup, and pray your opponent misplay more than you do. At the end of the day, your luck is what's gonna carry you more, so have a good luck 👍

I think that's all i have to say. If you have more questions, find me on discord, i don't open this site often if at all. See you in another miracle unchanging list.

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