
Master I from on September 10th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

It's Tear time again. Tried to push with Yubel but wasn't so successful. Pullled my alt art Winda and it definitely boosted my deck from last time. I thought it would be a win more card but it actually was very often my win condition. Cannot be destroyed so it's protected against SEFK. I included Abyss Dweller and it was the best decision. Perfect counter against 60 card piles and Tear/VV/SEFK. Very often you will have a lvl 4 monster with destrudo in grave. That's why Shooting Riser is nice to mill Snow or Ishizu cards. PEP is a must include, it won me multiple games. Either as a game finisher or because my opponents don't now how to out it. TY-PHON also very useful. I cut Zeus because I never summoned him. I had Exciton Knight during my push but I replaced it with Shooting Riser. Always pop your Kit if you control Perlereino. They will hold their Inperm for it.

Tiaraments strongest

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