
Master I from on September 19th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

My updated Tear list for September that I used to hit Master I.


The main philosophy behind this build is maximum consistency, which is the reason why I like to play 3 Grief and cut the Shaddoll Beast. Shaddoll Beast is a brick most of the times and doesn't have the same synergy with discard Boardbreakers as other cards with GY effects in this list. Winda access is nice, but very often Winda is winmore and not needed.

I also cut 1 Superpoly for 1 Wraitsoth which I was able to craft recently. Wraitsoth gives you Fenrir access and Fenrir is access to Tear engine and a threat that can deal with cards on the opponents side at the same time. Wraitsoth can also serve as a bait for Ash Blossom, making your Tear engine cards resolve more often after Ash Blossom got already baited.

Speaking about consistency, I also want to have the most consistent Destrudo access, which is why I love to play a second Destrudo. This card makes you end on Baronne Rulkallos going 1st and end the game going 2nd with Psychic End Punisher.


Tear requies a huge amount of engine cards to work with, therefore you don't have that much deck space for non-engine. For this reason, Tear should play the non-engine cards with the highest impact and those cards are Maxx C and Boardbreakers. I like a 2-2-2 split between Superpoly, Droplet and Talent because I don't want to draw the same breaker in multiple copies, also different breakers like Talents and Droplet completement each other really well.

9 Game Winstreak

With this list I got a 9 Game Winstreak when climbing from Master III to Master I. Unfortunately I lost the 10th game to a Fire King player who had doule Imperm and lots of engine, but after 2 more Wins I reached Master I anyways and went 11-1 in total. During those 12 games, I got hit by 4 Maxx C and was able to win every single game through Maxx C. My endboards going 1st have 3-4 interruptions through Maxx C, sometimes combined with a Talents handrip. This is more than enough to stop the majority of decks.

Potential Changes and Flex Spots

Eart Golem @Ignister is a flex spot and never came up in this season. Even thought I love Cross-Sheep, you could replace this card with someting else, for example:

-Linguriboh (if Iblee is really popular)

-Underworld Goddess

-I:P Masquerena

-Abyss Dweller


-Winda (if you have Shaddolls in the main)

You could also cut the 3rd Grief in the main for another boardbreaker.

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Replays from my grind to Master I should be on my YT channel soon. Check out the channel if you want to master Tearlaments and hit Master I too.