Voiceless Voice

Master I from on September 6th, 2024
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

just two evenings to get master 1 -- and at the beginning of the month?! turns out voiceless ain't too bad. it's consistent, runs a good number of hand traps, and outgrinds most decks.

i made a few unorthodox choices here. the jury's still out on whether those choices were reasonable, though.

namely, i cut old man sauravis and slimmed down to 40 cards to lean into having as powerful and consistent hands as possible for turn 1 and 2. this is not good for a best-of-3 (the old man is a grind game enabler!) but it seems to work for best-of-1 ladder, where 95% of games are decided on turn 2.

my exact reasoning is: when you go first, you're almost guaranteed to win if you open full combo and a handtrap. likewise when you go second, you are much more likely to win if you open 2 hand traps. so, why not tailor the deck towards that?

as for hand trap choices, i chose ogre because 50% of my games were vs. yubel. ogre is a complete answer to nightmare pain, which is the critical board piece yubel needs to inflict game losing damage on you. looking back on it though, i should've probably run the gamma package instead and play a 41 card deck. you really want to protect barrier of the voiceless voice's search from ash blossonm and ghost ogre.

the extra deck is mostly extraneous here. therefore, you can be extra greedy with pots of extravagance and prosperity to dig for answers. i almost never made baronne, secure gardna, I:P, apollousa, accesscode, and underworld goddess. those can be your pot of prosperity banish targets.

as for 2nd sauravis vs. pendulumgraph dragon: i found the targeting protection offered by the 2nd sauravis on turn 1 to be more valuable than pendulumgraph's spell negate. also, since sauravis's effects are not once-per-turn, you can negate multiple inherent special summons with it anyway.

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