Earth Machine

Master V from on April 21st, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 570
58 cards

Notes & Combos

So here's a new surprise: Earth Machine has a 90% chance to FTK. Using combos that it looks like everyone else just... completely missed.


These cards alone are 1.5-card FTKs: Superheavy Samurais Prodigy/Soulpiercer/Wagon/Bike, or Machinas Gearframe/Metalcruncher.

Additionally, there are no one-card garnets, and if you have a Vernusylph, chances are high you can still FTK.

Having to use Called By or TTT breaks one-card combos, but not significantly (only Prodigy's pendulum effect and Scarecrow care).

And finally, if the FTK becomes completely impossible, it can still fall back on the regular Earth Machine strategies, of drawing two or getting a negate or OTKing with Liebe.


End result: a deck that fills the same niche (and weaknesses) as Superheavy Samurai, but with more of an ability to play through interruption.

...The downside is, it's very hard to play. Some combos summon from the extra deck... 18 times. No exaggeration.


Number of handtraps is a personal choice. It could run more without seriously hurting consistency.

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Example 1.5-card FTK (all 1.5-cards are similar to this):

Example if you've also drawn Ancient Gear Box:

Example of recovering through interruption with Vernusylph: