Notes & Combos
Tired of losing to handtraps / coin flips?!? What if I told you this deck is a ftk going first or second?!
This Mannadium list is super unconventional as the deck focuses on creating a big endboard with defensive cards or playing through multiple disruptions and OTK-ing your opponent. I had no problem breaking full SE boards with handtraps. It requires a lot of practice but I find it's a lot more consistent to win going first/second... Also I find breaking a board of 6-9 monsters, playing through disruption is always more satisfying then gamba handtraping your opponent to death.
- VISAS SAMSARA x3 because you want to open this card (it is NOT searchable) and it is a free special summon with A Hero lives + helps push through boards without normal summoning
- No one expects E-Con, droplet being used in the BP. It's amazing to make the opponent waste BP/protect Apollo and you usually kill them on the crackback with your followup
- I will sometimes not make apollo and end on Baron, Dis Pater, Chengying, Counter Trap + Defensive cards to play around Super Poly
- A large amount of the extra deck is used for LINK MONSTERS NOT SYNCROS since they are a lot better to break your opponents board especially when paired with E-Con and/or tactics
- Scareclaw cards = remove up to 4 cards on the field, draw 1 (by co-linking Lightheart with Unicorn), and ends on Astraloud + Acesscode (base of 8300atk + whatever astraloud pops). Try to use your scareclaw cards last when going 2nd.
- In SE matchup, use princess to lock them out of NIB + reviving Diabellestarr after you steal it with Dharc
- Cross-sheep + Amritara atk boost comes up for OTK lines
- Imaginings to draw into more board breakers/unbrick your hand. When going 1st, try to use this to bait out Ash. If you have extenders, you can use this later in the combo after you deck thin to draw non-engine. When going second, it helps you make Dis Pater more consitantly for a second astraloud pop (without needing to run a Accel Stardust Dragon)
- Always try to set yourself up for the most followup if you go first. Reichphobia + Astraloud (setup) + Arrival (if possible).
- During the run, I sometimes ran 1 cross-out and 1 Maxx-C but for the final build I ended up cutting it since having a cross-out for Maxx-C, called by and Ash seemed super low impact
- Consider running Bagooska if you want more ways to "deal with MAXX-C" (A hero lives + any level 4 = Bagooska)
ID: 390-134-956
*Discalmer, the 2 replays were against SE since they were 85% of my matchups. I had about a 75% winrate vs SE. I could not get any good replays of Samsara since most of my opponents just scoop when I resolve my cards :(((
- Replay #1: Shows 1 Reichheart resolving = OTK and using Swarmship's effect to gain ATK for link monsters in the GY
- Replay #2: OTK through the best SE board in the game + MAXX-C + Ash Bloss + Called by the grave with a "bad hand"