
Master V from on April 18th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 270
42 cards

Notes & Combos

After months of waiting, the Rescue-ACE support is finally here and I couldn't be happier after playing and testing with the deck for so long. However, I decided to take the deck in a different direction.

No Terahertz? Aren't you worried about backrow hate?

While I am familiar with the Terahertz variant, I decided to move away from Terahertz for a number of reasons.

  1. Terahertz does not protect Turbulence from being negated by Imperm or Veiler. This is a huge issue for me in a handtrap format where a failure to set 4 means your endboard is infinitely worse.
  2. Terahertz is weak to getting hit by Nibiru. While this doesn't immediately kill our setup if we did get to resolve Turbulence's effect, we do lose immediate board presence that could leave the R-ACE backrow useless.
  3. Terahertz is ED intensive, especially in the Firewall Dragon variant. This can make going second worse since none of the Terahertz pieces are used to break the opponent's board or extend plays.

As for getting hit with backrow hate, that did come up a few times, though I think the engine is resilient enough to survive getting hit by them and bounce back.

What's with Decode Talker? Aren't you on Elf?

Funnily enough, I got inspired by Dkayed's video on Rescue-ACE and the abuse of the opp's triggers to predict the player having Imperm / Veiler or Nibiru. He used Protectcode Talker as the resident Link-3, but it is useless without Firewall Dragon.

So, I decide on using Decode Talker, which has some interesting applications. By going into Decode Talker, Link Decoder revives itself back, to which we can do two things:

  1. Link off Decode Talker and Link Decoder into an Apollousa which protects Turb from Nibiru or Veiler.
  2. Keep Decode Talker on the field to protect Turb.

Decode Talker's effect allows it to negate a targeted effect by tributing anything it points to as cost. The last part is what makes it superior to Elf as two targeting hts cannot prevent Turb from resolving.

Additionally, the Decode Talker line can go into Accesscode w/ 2 pops without committing to the Zealantis OTK, which could be valuable in breaking boards going second.

Still, I kept Elf as a backup line to protect Turb in the case I get interrupted during the Decode Talker combo or if I lacked the bodies to do the line in the first place. Besides, Elf + Earlie + Princess is already a powerful line that helps make the R-ACE board more oppressive.

In short, this experimental decklist is designed to make Turbulence resolve as much as possible by beating a myriad of handtraps while also having the utility to go second.

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