Swordsoul Tenyi

Master V from on April 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 120
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This climb to Master 5 was not easy with Pure Swordsoul Tenyi and decided it was time to make a change, the SHS engine is giving me more ways to extend and more ways to play past disruptions going first or second. I had more trouble getting past decks like stun that run Fossil Dyna that completly counter me along with Decisive Battle of Golganda completely unable to do anything. Snake eye was another problem when i'm not going first which if you lose the coinflip you pretty much lose to it unless you open well enough with Nibiru or Ash Blossom to stop their plays.

Also Diamond rank is by far the worst climbing experience a human being could ever endure, the players there are far more skilled somehow and its quite tedious to a point that your getting Maxx C'd every game.

Labrynth was pretty annoying aside from Snake eye, you get Maxx C'd turn one or Nibbed while going first you and you somehow didn't open a single one of your ash blossom's you pretty much lose.

Nonetheless the climb was pretty smooth as soon as i switched to this varient, and ill be experimenting with more cards as well. #BanFossilDyna

Thank you for Playing Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel.

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938-868-755 for Replays!

2nd from the top replay is how you do the turn one combo. (This was before i added in Omega and replaced Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster with Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker)