
Master V from on April 16th, 2024
cp-ur 1590 + cp-sr 390
60 cards

Notes & Combos

The SHS Adventure Diabellstar Synchron list has evolved by adding the Snake-eye mini engine for greater potential to play through interruptions going 1st / 2nd. Superheavy Samurai (providing even Level Tuners / non-Tuners) synergize well with Snake-eye (providing Level 1 Tuner / non-Tuners).

Accel Synchron is the MVP of the deck. It sends a Synchron Tuner from the deck to GY FOR COST, which generates additional resources for Speeder protection / recovery post-Nibiru.

If you've got any questions about the deck you're more than welcomed to ask in the Synchron channel within the MDM discord server.

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In-game ID: 493-721-777

Will gradually have more replays saved under my ID when I feel like playing lol.