Notes & Combos
Record was 13-1 from diamond 3 -> master 5, going on 8 game win streak, losing once to tear, then winning another 5 to hit masters.
This deck needs a lot of optimization and can potentially be even stronger, but even with this list I was able to be very sucessful.
60-80% of my games were against Kash, Tear, Spright, Lab and pile decks, and all match ups are at least decent.
For tear you have shifter, bystials and some hand traps to stop full endboard to make your turn more manageable, kaijus can out all tear fusions making their backrow dead and fenrir shouldnt even exist its too good.
For kash none of the cards have protection so you can just nuke their board, kaiju them, or drop a fat kurikara on them by baiting all their card to activate (kash is a free win every time).
Spright is the hardest matchup if you cant stop their full board, and lab can be hard if you dont draw backrow removal, but just try to interupt their plays as much as possible and attempt to OTK with 8's or end on a 4 mat zeus.
Chaos Ruler, Vermillion, and Zombie Vampire never came up so feel free to swap them out for something else, but lines are basically same as always.
Diva will get you into 1-2 lvl 10 syncros or can get you into a zeus through Centaurea, 2 8's will get a 4 mat zeus or 9000 atk numeron dragon. Kaiju + Alpha is wipe 2 boss monsters. all other cards help facilitate these plays/break boards
If you cant otk, zeus is generally best option unless you play against tear. Might try a larger kash package, adding another kurikara and/or lightning storm. Tried other cards like sekka/luna but generally its best to have only 1 normal.