Notes & Combos
Fur Hire Runick (yes this is a fur hire deck not a spright deck) is really strong and will only get stronger after the banlist. I think tear is this decks worse match-up because of the ishizu cards so once those are a lot less prevalent this deck will become a much stronger choice. For the list I've experimented with a lot of things including adding more fur hires such as filo as well as playing a lot of spright cards or more runick cards. But the thing with this deck is that in your opening hands you never want to see too much of any of your 3 engines. Best case scenario you open Rex plus 2 runick cards and a spright card going first and if you're going 2nd you open one of your big board breakers (DRNM/NIBIRU). For the extra deck I wouldn't change anything besides maybe swapping Sprind for Avramax or something like that because that's the card I went into the least. This deck plays through a ton of interruption if you are creative enough with your lines. Runick decks are all really strong right now but I think Naturia is lame so I play this instead it's really cool really fun...and hopefully it doesn't straight up lose to Purrely. Comment down below with any questions about the deck I'll be glad to chime in.