Notes & Combos
After going through the literal torture of losing the coin toss and having to go 2nd, I have FINALLY reached masters!!!
I mainly played Punk Bystial for my climb to masters, but I recently tried Kash Punk with a small Bystial package, and tbh it's not bad. Having an easier access to your lvl 10 synchros is very nice, as well as having annoying disruption for your opponent.
One thing I noticed while playing this Varient was that you barely summon your rank 7's. I'm not sure if I can say the same about other people playing this deck, but you barely go into your rank 7's, as you either use your Kash monster to make a lvl 10 synchro, or you already have a monster on the field.
Some ratio stuff: I know there are people that question why I only run 2 Unicorn, and the reason why is bec I'm saving my ur cp for something else. Playing 1 Birth is def the way, playing 2 or more can be a brick to you in some games. The reason why I run 2 of each core P.U.N.K. extra deck monster, is because of Unicron and Mind Hacker. when the rest of Kashtira's cards come out, running 2 of each monster will become mandatory.
My final words is that this deck is fun af, it can play through disruption, make you + in card advantage, and clutch games!