
Master V from on August 30th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 690
44 cards

Notes & Combos

So, I'm using this to climb up to at least Master V and we'll see about the future. The key takeaways so far: Lambda, Chengying, Spheres all come up once every 10 years, so they may be worth substituting for a more versatile and/or just better ED.

Your endboard going 1st and assuming no disrupts, with a 1 card combo, should be at least 3 bounces + pop + 3 cards drawn. Example:

  1. Normal Ze Amin; Search Foxy Tune
  2. Foxy Tune effect, discard 1 + itself; special Sharakusai.
  3. Sharakusai effect; Fuse the field away into Rising Carp.
  4. Rising Carp, tribute itself; Special Wa Gon & Deer Note.
  5. Wa Gon, pay 600; add field spell, activate it.
  6. Synchro JAM Dragon, effect on summon, Deer Note effect in GY; Deer Note special Sharakusai, JAM add Madame Spider | on resulotion, draw 1 with field.
  7. Field Spell effect, banish a PUNK from GY; Special Madame Spider.
  8. Madame Spider, pay 600; search a PUNK Trap | on resultion, draw 1 with field.
  9. Set & Pass.
  10. On opponents turn, Use Sharakusai's Quick Effect Synchro to bring out Amazing Dragon | On resolution (and summon), Amazing Dragon to bounce 3 cards and field spell to draw 1.
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