Notes & Combos
This abomination is Master worthy, I guess.
2 Maxx c because I dislike the card.
Muckracker can help a bad hand if you mill a good plunder with the Ishizu cards.
Baronness for the occasional bystial + lvl 4 tuner.
Ships Shipping and Emblem can help extend or just make your Blackbeard immune to Impermanence.
Ishizu shufflers can help against Tear if they get randomly milled by their senders. The Ishizu cards providing bodies on field can enable muckracker to bring back a plunder that was milled.
Scheiren is just a free special that can get a plunder or shuffler in grave and maybe milling a Ships Shipping or Goldenhair
I still play 1 booty because it's good on the grind game.