
Master V from on August 29th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 600
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Hi guys! This is my first time reaching Master, and not gonna lie it was not as bad even with losing the coin toss a LOT. I won't write too much since Yugioh Players never read anyways haha but here's a quick guide.

Intro: Chimera is a fusion based deck utilising FIEND, BEASTS and the newly added ILLUSION monsters. It's a retrain of a very old Yugi Deck back in the day just like how they did with Voiceless Voice. It's combos are REALLY simple but the ceiling it can go to is very high considering there's gonna be more Illusion support in the future too to tinker with.


  • Always prioritise getting one of the Chimera Fusions out ASAP as most effects in the Archetype rely on them being on the Field/GY

  • All Illusions cannot be destroyed by battle, this comes up a lot since players usually don't read.

  • CORNFIELD COATAL and MIRRORSWORDKNIGHT have secret effects in the gy, one is target negation, the other is a monster negate on the field. Use this to catch people by surprise.

  • Chimera Fusion can recur every turn once from the gy, but if you have Polymerisation in hand it's better to use that first since Chimera Fusion is better to use for interaction

  • DO YOUR INTERACTIONS IN THE MAIN PHASE, cannot stress this enough because I lost most matches forgetting chimera Fusion can only be used in the main phase haha.

COMBOS: "Bread and Butter" (going first, and quotal/mirrorswordknight in hand)

  1. Quotal Discard for MSK (Skip if have MSK in hand already)
  2. Normal MSK, tribute it to summon Big Winged Berfomet
  3. Berfomet Effect to add Gazelle and Chimera Fusion
  4. Use Chimera Fusion to make Chimera the King Of Phantom Beasts
  5. Chain 1 Gazelle adding Emissary, Chain 2 Berfomet to summon MSK, Chain 3 the Fusion Monster (Chain Blocking Ash or negates)

And that's it! A simple board yet really effective one 2 negates in the gy 1 Hand Loop 1 Special summon during Opponent's turn if Gazelle get's destroyed 1 emissary (you can read the effect)

and all from 1 card if going second usually it's better to summon the Berformet Fusion instead for more follow up

"Frightfur Package" (this is if you don't draw quotal or MSK, with Frigtfur Patchwork and Gazelle in hand)

  1. Frightfur Patchwork effect, getting Edge Imp and Poly
  2. Polymerise using Gazelle and Edge Imp to summon a chimera fusion monster (whichever suits the situation)
  3. Chain 1 Gazelle adding quotal/msk , Chain 2 Edge Imp (chain block ash)
  4. Bread and Butter combo

No Normal Summon Needed:)

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ID: 582-256-512 Replays VS Branded Despia, Voiceless Voice, Kashtira, Tearlaments. I included a loss too so maybe you guys can learn from it ^w^.