
Master V from on August 18th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I know the accepted thing to do is to run Kyubi and Tornado, but both of those are mega bricks going second so I cut them. For a while I was running Effect Veiler in their place, but Feather Duster has put in a lot of work vs. Centur-Ion and R-Ace going second. A lot of the ED doesn't see use over the course of a typical game, so I also threw in Prospy.

A lot of the ED is pref. Gamma on my turn going first is basically a free win if turned into Baronne, but I'm sure there's other stuff it can be replaced with. I've literally never summoned Zeus but it's Zeus. Knightmare Phoenix is mostly an att for Accesscode. Exceed is there to climb into Accesscode then end the game.

If I have Wind I try to hold it for Nue. Nue is the weakest point in the line, but almost nothing answers it going first that isn't field targeted, and 1 pend is better than a Nue dead on board.

I don't feel like a lot of the main deck can be replaced. I might be wrong, idk. Only place I feel like there's wiggle room is the Gamma package, Duster and Prospy. I can't think of anything I'd rather have, though.

Other things I've experimented with and my thoughts on them:

2 Kirin: This worked ok. It made it less bad to scale and let me summon another if it got clogged in hand, but it still meant it was in my hand more than I liked.

2 Veiler: Felt real bad going first. The one cards in this deck are awkward and I found myself frequently wishing Veiler were something else.

Luster Pendulum + Ignister Prominence: Felt like I was playing just a worse pendulum pile.

Supercell: This was really funny. Really bad, but really funny. Trying this with Kyubi is what made me realize I just don't like Kyubi.

Kaiju: Honestly felt pretty good. Didn't like how it didn't do anything going first vs. going second, so opted to just put more consistency into what I already had.

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