
Master V from on August 20th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 540
44 cards

Notes & Combos

The MVP of the deck? Gamma.

Why Horus? Boardbreaking, recovery, bait and discard. I see many decks play Droplet, but it doesn't solve the issue of needing a discard on your turn going first, because you want Naturia Blessing now, not on opponent turn. On the next turn you should have a guaranteed send with Camelia already. Horus provide a juicy target because people are so scared of it. And rightfully so. Your opponent will have to choose between Fountain and King Sarc, and both have almost the same power. They will "always" tunnel vision Imsety and forget about the Sacred Tree being sent, your bread and butter. Easy Gamma bait. Unlike Bystial Runick the only way to recover Fountain from banish is with Hapi. Horus also provides 3 bodies if you need to otk or break board with battle phase. The final use is Zombie Vampire, which can help in a pinch if your hand bricked hard and it's likely you can send Sacred Tree or access the rest of the Naturia gang, plus deck knowledge.

Cons? Hapi and Duamutef bricks. Not as bad as it is because Hugin and Coral needs it's discard, but it's not great.

I would play 3 copies of Evenly if I could, but i would rather draw into it with Imsety or Talents or turn draw. It bricks your hand going first, but it kills most decks going second considering current Meta decks lack Trap negate. This deck also dies miserably to Evenly, so it's advised that you have Baronne up and running early.

Legatia is a very good card for Naturia, which is also another plus for Horus engine. It protects all Naturias save Beast, and it gives a draw even with no card popped. Same with Sleipnir. People will rush immediately into BP with only 1 card just to be yoinked from the field. Any BP we survive increase our chances of winning drastically. Bagooska is not great because decks can pop it with spells, S:P and GY effects. Exciton is here because Evenly has to be drawn into, Exciton just need 2 level 4s and no negate. Chaos Angel is superb because we can make it with both effects 2 ways: Imsety+Hugin and Tri-edge+Geri. Yubel and FK folds to Beast. But don't tunnel vision into always making it 1st turn, Baronne is more important, unless you have spare resources or have no other play.

All in all, this deck is the prime example of a true control deck. Minimal board presence, trade and accumulate resources, respond appropriately to opponent's plays, the definitive expression of skill on display.

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Interesting duels that I recorded. Wins only (duh).