Pendulum Magician

Master V from on August 17th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 300
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Flex Slots: Droll, Imperm, Purple Poison, 3rd Dragon Shrine, 3rd Wings of Light, 2nd Harmonizing, Abyss Dweller, Odd-Eyes Rebellion XYZ Dragon

Side Deck: Cards I'd consider switching the flex cards for or adding in. The cards are listed in the comments if it doesn't appear.

Main Deck: IMO, it's fine to go above 40 cards. Going over 40 lowers the chance of opening too much non-engine, weak engine, or extra Dragon Shrines/Wings of Light.

Basically opening fewer hands that die to 1 hand trap while still having a solid amount of impactful hand traps to help going 2nd.

You could play fewer copies of Shrine/Wings but they are some of the best starters and extenders. You want to open them.

Extra Deck: I didn't summon Abyss Dweller much. Starving Venom Fusion Dragon or Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon are budget options for Odd-Eyes Rebellion XYZ Dragon.

Going First: Combo usually ends on Baronne, Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon, 2 mat Apollousa, IP Masquerena/SP Little Knight, both Pendulumgraphs. Sometimes with Purple Poison Magician scaled or an extra Magician monster on the field.

With the extra Magician on the field you can:

  • CL1 Time Pendulumgraph to target the Magician + 1 opponent's card
  • CL2 IP Masquerena to link summon using the targeted Magician
  • Time Pendulumgraph will destroy the opponent's card, then you can send 1 more card to the GY because Time didn't destroy 2 cards
  • This combo lets you remove 2 of your opponent's cards without Purple Poison Magician

You could also end with Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon instead of Vortex. This makes your endboard less vulnerable to Super Polymerization. Link Absolute with IP on opponent's turn to make SP and get Vortex. Possibly with Vortex's on-summon bounce effect.

Make Bagooska if the opponent uses Maxx "C".

Going 2nd: I played against a lot of Stun this season. Purple Poison Magician is goated at dealing with Stun.

Other going 2nd tools are Beyond the Pendulum's destruction effect, Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing, Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom's piercing damage, Odd-Eyes Rebellion XYZ Dragon, Harmonizing Magician's pend effect and of course the staple ED monsters and hand traps.

Also, Droll wins games.

Some other tips are in the comments of my Supreme King decklist from last month. The playstyles are similar. Just different payoffs.

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ID: 002-019-149

Replays with this list start on July 31. Full combo vs Ponix icon on July 31. Then a few going 2nd replays.

There is 1 replay where I mess up badly near the end. VS Ash icon. I should've made SP not IP to remove King's Sarc. I was auto-piloting. That lead to more mistakes because timer was low and I was still dwelling on that mistake.

I think it's still worth showing because I use some less common effects. I attack Zombie Vampire instead of Vanity to play around Life Hack.