Notes & Combos
Unchained is starting to feel like a scuffed version of Yubel, which is why I have tried climbing with some other decks. But a mixture of lack of experience with some of those decks and sheer bad luck with others caused me to seesaw multiple times through Diamond.
Most of my climb was done with a mixture of Endymion, Supreme King, and Evil Eye. I even tried some Voiceless Voice but it hasn't clicked with me just yet.
So in the end, I decided to bring the ol' reliable Unchained to try and wrap up the climb at D1. And it did better than I thought it would.
Sadly, the deck is pretty much solved, so I might still try other things here and there. But it's good to know that even today, these good bois can still get the job done.
No replays this time for now, but if I do end up finding some worth I'll post a comment about it. 512-924-139 if you want to watch replays I have saved for the other decks I've tried this season so far.