
Master V from on December 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Strictly going 2nd OTK deck. Has the rogue deck advantage that people negate the weirdest stuff. Deck has absolutely minimal follow-up so make sure to kill.

The Droll and Nibiru just seem like the best hand trap combo right now. Droplet could be used but I didn't feel like it was doing enough and it's dead vs Kashtira (even if Kash is less common these days). I also tried a small Zoo package for a while, which was a ton of fun, but the hand traps and flexible ED slots are way more impactful.

Notes on specific cards:

Wings/Dolphin - This combo is insane.

Owl - Poly access is incredibly important. Being able to fuse off of a Cross Sheep or Dugares revive is also super good.

Sheep - Pretty mediocre, but free link mats are great payoff for the later Vendor searches.

Dog - Most common NS because it gets either Bear (Vendor) or Penguin (to fuse), or baits an interaction.

Dugares - All 3 options are relevant for this deck, which is neat.

Cross sheep - Best revive targets are Penguin or Owl. Otherwise it generates free link material.

Match-up Notes

Mathmech - This one sucks. Hopefuly Droll/Nib can limit them to just a Superfact but they usually have handtraps too.

Lab - If they have Coo Clock, it's going to suck. If they don't, just clear the back row first and hope they don't snipe something critical.

Vanquish Soul - Difficulty depends on if they grab the trap. Force it out with Whale/HFD, use Kraken/Unicorn to remove what you can.

Dragon Link - Honestly doesn't feel like too bad of a match-up. Either hand trap is miserable for DLink and TTT goes hard. Watch out for bystials.

Branded - Another match-up that feels really fair. Watch out for bystials.

Mannadium - Hand traps help contain them. TTT also does great in this match-up.

Kash - Nib, TTT, Raigeki make this playable. Otherwise the fusion mats don't hit the grave which is awful.

Purrely - MIA

Tear - Miserable match-up

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MD: 179-362-604