
Master V from on December 7th, 2023
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I changed a few things from last month:

  • I swapped Donner for Goliath. Donner was used to destroy Bagooska, but I feel like no one use Bagooska against Kashtira nowadays, so I prefer Goliath as a Pot of Prosperity fodder, and a protection when reused as Xyz material by Arise-Heart. In the same time, I was thinking about Garura as another Pot of P fodder, but I don't feel like it's effect to draw a card can be activated that easily and that it is as useful as Goliath. But IDK maybe I should try it.
  • I'm struggling to do some OTKs, even on empty boards. Just by attack damage, it can be difficult to do 8000, so I'm trying Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon over Dark Armed Dragon in the ED just for some burn damage to get that much needed extra damage to finish the game over popping cards.
  • I swapped a Maxx "C" for Crossout Designator. On my decklist from last month, someone reminds me that this card exists. Plus, Maxx "C" is a dead card under Dimension Shifter or Arise-Heart, so swapping only one is not that big of a deal.
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