
Master V from on December 28th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos


This is the final list I had going when I made it into Master rank. Since I have not really been playing recently I climbed from plat V to Master with Lab this season. I needed gems for Super Heavy Samuri and figured I might as well use Lab. Took me about 4 days.

You seem to be using some really weird cards my guy

I made a Youtube video detailing my climb where I go into more detail but yeeaaaaah I got frustrated and just started siding in tech cards myself regardless if anyone else was using them. I can confidently say Nibiru is the best card in the deck. Honestly not sure why no one else seems to be running it. Kurikara is also very good against Vanquish soul as you can tribute thier monsters away without giving up your normal summon via Lava Golem. The only reason Evenly isn't a 3rd Nibiru is becuase I don't have the UR-crafting points. These cards are also good against a variety of othe random decks you encounter.

So what is the ideal combo?

Going first ideal scenaio is you rip 2 from your opponents hand, see what they're playing, and set a trap from the deck to fit the scenario. If you do it right you'll be able to activate the trap that turn. I belive I have an exaple of the full combo in recorded gameplay.

No Gamma? No Ishizu? No Droll?

Short answer is no. Gamma had its moments but more times than not was dead in my hand. You kinda hate to see it going first. Your main combo starts with normal summon Ari so if they Ash her it's not like you can chain gamma. Also the 2 tier 1 decks right now are Branded and D-link. What would you rather have going 2nd against them? Nibiru? Or PSY-Frame driver? Exactly. Ishizu were also dead in my hand a surprising amount of time. Without furniture just another brick. I debated droll but really never felt the need. Also didn't see what I'd take out to put droll in.

Extra Deck?

Only 1 Chaos angle becuase I'm poor but I never really missed the other copies. Didn't make Chaos angle at all really. Made Unicorn once. Never went into an xyz. Dogmatika package was putting in work. The 3x Entis were a huge help.

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My masterduel ID:888-238-055