Plunder Patroll

Master V from on December 7th, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 720
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Still coping with 1 fountain

Gamma + e-tele + dark hole are mvps

Daruma won me some games randomly vs mathmech but that can come out I guess. I tried running it with thrust but it didn't feel good.

We can still loop fountain turn 1 don't tell konami.

Smaller runick engine and more plunder. The main idea turn 1 is to bait ash imperm whatever with hugin while still doing full plunder combo and maybe drawing into some good runicks to set and pass. And if they maxx c you try to find whitebeard or redbeard, or worst case you make blackbeard, or you can gamma if you're lucky and drew it.

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There's a replay where I loop fountain, it's the one that lasts one turn. There I misclicked I synchro'd with bluebeard instead of Geri but it didn't matter because the opponent surrendered.