
Master V from on December 13th, 2023
cp-ur 1500 + cp-sr 120
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Do not turbo Tri-heart going first, your turn 1 board should include at least 3 of Fenrir, Baronne, DPE, gryphon rider with token , scareclaw kashtira with set twinsaw. Tri-heart sucks and it's easy to out, only go for it if you open one scareclaw level 3 and no other engine.

Going second you turbo accesscode vicous astraloud and OTK, veiler and magician souls are spellcasters so they enable seleene into code lines

The deck is full of defencive cards so resolving magician souls to draw 2 or reichheart to draw 1 is always insane value, I even reolved disk commander draw twice in the last 10 matches i think, you can summon it with cross sheep or DPE effect

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My ID: 286-857-800