Dark Magician

Master V from on December 14th, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 420
50 cards

Notes & Combos

It feels good to get back to Master with Dark Magician. It's been such a long time since the deck felt even semi-competitive and now here we are. We've gone through some iterations of the deck as we went all the way from the pits of D5 to Master rank. It was a grind finding the perfect ratios and I highlighted the journey on my YouTube channel. We finally settled on this list where we have 2 key combos involving Magicians' Souls that can set up pretty powerful boards. Souls + Toy Box & Toys + Rainbow Bridge, in the video below I go over the combos and you can see some of the journey to how we got here on the rest of my channel.

**BIGGEST LESSON I LEARNED: 50 cards feels better for this deck. The number of garnets we play makes us highly susceptible to bricks. Switching to 50 definitely hid those bricks better than 40 **

If you wanna see more replays you can check out my vods from my twitch channel I'll link it below and feel free to ask any questions. DM BEST DECK!!

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REPLAYS & COMBOS --> https://youtu.be/OzJ07yb1f7U

I also go over some hand probabilities that I was using while theory crafting.

Other Variants & Combos --> https://youtu.be/XZcsOWv8dDQ https://youtu.be/QmAJCDupZs8

For some more duels, my vods are here: twitch.tv/kingmahde