
Master V from on December 16th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I made it back to Master V...phew

I don't think there are enough incentives to climb up to Master I, which means, this is probably as far as I go this month.

It's a melodious deck! There are some unusual choices compared to other Melodious decks out there.

  • Upstart Goblin

Thanks to our girl Sonata and the deck's overall swarming capability, giving my opponent a potential +3k LP is not a big deal. It improves the consistency of the deck.

  • Pot of desires

More consistency to the deck, sometimes you gotta be careful so as to not banish Aria, Concerto or Schuberta, which is why I try to activate it AFTER i summon/search those cards.

  • Skull Meister

Anti Gimmick Puppet measures. They are also an acceptable tech against 90 % of the decks I see in the ranking ladder.

  • Double Underworld Goddess

Maybe it's a bit of overkill, but I am a bit scared of Kashtira's Unicorn effect. The card itself is AMAZING in this deck despite the Bloom and Solo xenolocks. It won me a lot of games in turn 3.

  • No Maxx C

Rather unconventional approach. My personal experience is that my Maxx C effect was negated way too many times (Ash, Called by the Grave, Droll and so on) Also Maxx C does nothing when going first.

So there you have it. I am so glad i reached Master V with a Melodious deck. Yuzu a cute! A CUTE!

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