Notes & Combos
This season is not easy, we have to also deal with whitewoods and gimmick puppet except for tenpai. But we also get some new support like dragoon. More important, shifter and PSY are finally gone.
Going first strategy: The ultimate goal of turboing Kali Yuga never changes, I tried FTK version with gimmick puppet, it does have higher upper-limit but is less competitive in practice. In general, going first staples should provide either protection or a compromise strategy. In detail, S:P and Dragoon are two really good cards for compromise board after stopped by handtraps and left with a couple of level 4s and rank 4s, since they consume little space in the main deck. Ash stops MAXC, which makes it mandantary, imperm can be set as a compromise card to interrupt your opponent at turn 2, so does call-by, of course call-by also provides strong protection against handtraps. Seventh Ascension let's you search RUM Revolution Force, which is a good protection for your RaiderKnight against Ogre, imperm and veiler, if they ash , they lose an ash and actually you are not stopped at all. I did not play tactic and thrust, even though they provides compromise room, they are just not powerful enough.
Going second strategy: The going second strategy is simple, interrupting your opponent through handtraps is the first goal, if they still make a compromise board, then in the main deck, call-by, imperm and red-reboot can provide some breakthough power, if we are still stopped, we should be able to exhaust their interruptions since we are dealing with a compromise board rather than a full board, then we have three plans in extra deck: dragoon, S:P and Ty-Phon, at least one of them should work, typically if you have enough lifepoints and enough cards in hand but your opponent has few cards, you make dragoon, if you have no cards in hand you should consider S:P, if your opponent cannot remove dragoon you should make dragoon, for example kash, if you need to remove backrows you should use S:P. If Ty-Phon's lock is necessary (your opponent make a dragoon as compromise board), and you draw or can search your RUM-Launch, then make Ty-phon and turboing Rebellion Falcon in their turn. In conclusion, handtraps interruption goes first, main deck breakthrough goes second, extra deck S:P, draggon and Ty-phon goes third, that provides enough room for going second plans.
Check some of the representative replays I saved at: 720-580-653, and feel free to ask me about the decklist.