Notes & Combos
The goal of the deck is either to full combo, or if that's interrupted, then you just (Or) Cust. The deck has some trouble with going second, but it can really eat hand traps like none other (so long as you don't open too many bricks :P ). I will say the deck kind of farms Tenpai, as it plays well into both hand traps and board breakers (Dingirsu stops the destroying breakers, Crescendo stops Forbidden Droplet). Now I'm not going to say this is better than Snake-Eye Fire King, but I do think the deck is competent.
Main Deck
Cards I'd like to fit:
- Divine Temple + Snake-Eyes Diabellstar
- The 2nd Oak (for Original Sinful Spoils recursion)
- Kashtira Fenrir
- Some more hand traps lmao
Cards I'm not sure about:
- The 2nd and 3rd Girsu (bad on its own but with Diabellstar eats all hand traps)
- Orcustrated Babel (scarcely used but critical in rare grind games)
Could go over 40 but I don't want to lose the Maxx "C" minigame and it's hard enough as-is to find the Snake-Eye cards.
Extra Deck
Cards I'd like to fit:
- Dharc
- Zealantis + Raging Phoenix
- Selene
- Knightmare Goblin/Barricadeborg Blocker (discard outlet)
- 2nd Galatea
- Pitknight Earlie (if anything just to link Promethean Princess off)
Cards I'm not sure about:
- Link Spider (Nibiru token + body to Orcust combo but not a lot of Nib right now)
- 2nd Dingirsu
Replays Every hand plays slightly differently based on the exact starters and extenders (you don't always have Jet Synchron access, and going with Diabellstar or Kashtira Unicorn can mean an early Borreload Savage is best), but I think the Snake-Eye Ash + 2 discard combo shows off pretty well the goal when making a board. I'm not 100% sure this is the best combo/sequencing, but it's been working quite well for me so far.