Notes & Combos
I have a love / hate relationship with this deck. Some hands are genuinely unbeatable and other hands are so bricky you can't do anything. The deck also doesn't have a great Maxx C gameplan. A Christmas miracle occurred and I went 17-3 from D4 to M5 so I just got into the Master club right before the new year.
Melodious is an insane engine that highly powers up the ceiling of this deck. Every single card is decent ash bait. Ostinato is too good to ignore, Refrain has literally won me games by people surrendering off a normal summon, and even Couplet in the opener can bait a hand trap or grab Concerto for fodder for Elzette / Asetallar. Toy is a tried and true engine.
Generally you want to go to do your melodious combos first if you can since you can pend summon the 2s and 4s and do some insane combos without normalling
Main deck engine ratios: -
Silvy - I generally think two of her are fine, you can go up to three if you want
Rucia - There were times when I wanted a second copy of her, but I do think she's fine at one in this build
Astellar - Full combo if your opponent doesn't have interruptions, I really wanted to see her as much as possible. I played her at two for a while but
Tales - I believe one is fine, but I never tested with two because I'm poor
Main deck non-engine ratios -
- Effect Veiler - I liked this a lot at two but one is also fine. It's searchable after all, but you can replace with a one-of Droll for Crossout if you're seeing a lot of it.
- Triple Tactics Talent - Didn't come up often, but useful in a number of scenarios. Isn't a terrible draw going first either since you can use it as fodder for your white forest monsters
Extra Deck Choices -
- Formula Synchron - Rarely came up since I didn't end on Diabelle much, but it's nice to have the option to go into Chaos Angel on your opponent's turn. Can be replaced with something like Exceed the Pendulum to make Apo easier on your turn one or Bagooska in case you get hand trapped too much, though it's harder to make Bagooska in this deck with a single Rucia
- Tri-Edge Master - Made this a few times, helps with drawing into toy box if you don't have it or with getting hand traps / extenders, but feels win more since you only really make him if you have a lot of extra materials. Can also be replace with Exceed, Bagooska, or another synchro 10
- Visas Armitara - This card is the truth, genuinely insane and must play