
Master V from on February 5th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Halfway into Master 1! This season has a lot of good matchups, netted 14 streaks of victories.

The list are still the same as my last Master 1 build, with -1 Droll, -1 Nib, +1 Strike, and +1 Mind Drain. Adjusted slightly because Branded is literally everywhere.

I think I want to revisit my old Noble Knights when the anniversary update arrives, so I'm not sure if I will use this deck up to Master 1 this season, but I will still keep the guide and video coming!

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Here is the usual Youtube showcase! I slowed it down a bit so it could be studied easier.


If you'd like, you can check out my little guide for MD Dinomorphia!

The link is in the description of the video! (most content are still WIP, but I will update it regularly!)

Thank you for visiting this profile! I hope it can help you!