Notes & Combos
Heavy handtrap meta, not ideal for Mannadium. Fairly classic list, but some notes on the tech choices :
- 1x DD Crow, 1x Droll, 1x Imperm for larger Crossout coverage - won me a couple games. DD Crow is seeing a surge in usage rate since its good into Snake-Eye. Droll is less impactful now but you still want it as a Crossout target just in case it comes up, though you could consider cutting it if you want to stay at 40.
- Replaced Bystials with Fenrir engine as the former felt clunky and unimpactful into Snake Eye (which you will run into like 3 out of 5 games at the moment, it's the flavour of the month).
- Talent x2, just too good not to run with handtraps being absolutely everywhere. Overall incredible card.
- Crimson Dragon makes Dis Pater easier to summon.
- I was hesitating between Gymir, Chengying and Chaos Angel, but the latter felt most useful, even without Bystials. Banish on summon is great against both Snake Eye and Branded.