
Master V from on February 16th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Combo lines for Cosmo Neos: Stratos + any hero to discard (except prisma): Summon stratos, add faris, discard one hero to summon faris, tribute faris to summon increase then vyon, vyon sends shadow mist to add vanilla neos, banish faris to add poly with vyon, activate poly to summon sunrise with stratos and neos, add miracle fusion to hand, link into wonder driver with increase and vyon, activate miracle fusion and summon infernal rage by banishing neos and stratos or mist to wonder drivers link, Add favorite contact to hand and set miracle fusion using wonder driver, tribute infernal rage to summon thunder giant. Activate miracle fusion again banishing infernal rage and another warrior to summon wake up. Now the field consist of sunrise, thunder giant, wonder driver and wake up. Sunrise boost thunder giant by 200 attack and thunder giant giant attack becomes 2600 which is wake up's original attack (2500) so thunder giant can discard one card to pop wake up. After popping wake up, summon prisma. Prisma sends aqua dolphin to grave. Then link into infernal devicer with wonder driver and thunder giant and add grand more and dark panther. So you have all the materials to summon cosmo neos and also have prisma, infernal devicer and sunrise on the field with 3 cards on hand at the end of the turn

Engage + shadow mist or any spacian (except dolphin) (Thanks to stiderblack01) Activate engage sending shadow mist and mole or panther. Summon Spirit of Neos. Search instant contanct with spirit and stratos with mist. Summon stratos add prisma. Spirit eff to tag out to summon vanilla neos. Activate instant contact to summon marine dolphin. Activate marine dolphin to discard prisma and rip one card from opponents hand. Fuse neos and stratos to summon infernal rage and add favorite contact. Tribute infernal rage to summon sunrise. Sunrise add miracle contact. Activate miracle contanct to summon divine neos banishing 5 monsters from grave (don't banish prisma here). Activate divine neos to banish prisma from grave to copy its effect. Show nebula neos and send the remaining neo spacian to grave. The end field now will be Sunrise, divine neos and marine dolphin with 4 cards in your opponents hand and 3 card in your hand. During your opponents turn summon cosmo neos with favorite contact.

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ID: 467-104-092