cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 480
49 cards

Notes & Combos

This list can be pretty standard but my main idea of this list is to open super polymerization as much as possible. This explains the less deck size, no grass, no thrust and duplication, etc...

This also explains tech choices like fuwa (which is good in general) over droll, didn't play both because opening both makes your hand very akward to play with.

No gold sarcophagus because I didn't want to banish my only mercourior.

Talents was just too good to not run, saved me a couple of times. 2 retribution comes up on every game that doesn't end on turn 2. I like to have the option to set it in the endphase.

The cards that came up the least were:

  1. Branded in red
  2. garura (I mainly had it in my list for tenpai matchup)

cards I didn't make a decision on:

  1. springans kitt (its a bad card to have in your starting hand, doesn't come up that much in general but when it does it becomes worth it)
  2. droplet (had alot of games that made me consider adding it to my list but didn't want to run alot of cost heavy board breakers nor go over 50 cards but still didn't make up the decision to add it)
  3. 2nd quem (I am not sure if I want the second one, also opening quem lowered the quality of some of my hands, but I feel like I want to always have the option to go for the 2nd one)

deck can make it to M1 for sure.

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