
Master V from on February 18th, 2025
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 570
51 cards

Notes & Combos

This is a going 2nd deck.

It is good enough to have >50% winrate. A lot of ratios in the main deck are the way they are because handtraps are UR. There are no combos in this deck so its very easy to pilot if you know when to use your interruptions.

This deck has 51 cards but there is still a nearly 90% chance to have a "starter", not considering that you might have more than 6 cards if you activate any of the draw handtraps. More cards reduces the chance of seeing duplicates and the adventure bricks.

If you want a different extra deck, zeta and i:p masquerena are the least used cards. Maybe add knightmare unicorn for a bigger accesscode talker.

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