Notes & Combos
Multiple people have asked for an updated list so here it is...
I started the season in Gold and after some testing, I settled on this one in D4. It took almost 3 days to clear Diamond as I was getting unlucky, tilted, and throwing games left and right.
As for the changes, let's start with Fuwalos. This card is very much mandatory to play as turn 1 boards are out of control and need to be stopped. It also serves as a consistency card if we can draw some cards while also potentially drawing into more handtraps.
Fuwalos replaced the 2 Thrusts and the 1 Maxx C. I've always talked about Thrust and how good it is in this deck but sadly times have changed and we need to adapt. Thrust is simply too slow right now seeing how powerful turn 1 boards are and how much advantage they give you.
With 11 handtraps at this point, it just didn't seem like it was quite enough so I wanted to add 1 or 2 more. The handtrap that I needed to add had to be something that was able to stop boards or give me some advantage like drawing cards and didn't conflict with my draw power so Purulia was the clear choice here. I will say though, this is the only card that I'm not 100% sure about yet. I'm considering taking out 1 Purulia for a 3rd Herz or Foolish. These are the two cards that got replaced by Purulia and I was feeling their impact as we had to sacrifice a bit of consistency for handtraps.
I do want to keep it at least 12 handtraps though because of how oppressive this format is. This build by the the way is highly geared twoards playing against meta decks in higher ranks. Depending on what rank you're in and what decks you're playing against you might not need the Mulcharmies. If that's the case then you can replace some or all of them with something like 3rd Herz, 2nd Ncahster, Foolish Burial, 3rd Machine Dupe, 2nd Lighting Storm.
The games this format are not really that interesting. If you don't open any handtraps and they go full combo well tough luck. If you do stop their combo then you can play the game. I did save some games though that involved awkward hands or tricky situations so feel free to check them out.
ID: 456-395-881