Notes & Combos
Climbed from Plat5 to Master5 with this version of the deck.
Gravekeeper's Inscription is an insane card currently because of all the Fiendsmith stuff running around. It pairs extremely well with Exxod Fires of Rage nuking the board and preventing any kind follow up.
You could just run Dfissure instead but being unable to activate S/T effects from the GY also hurts some of the more popular niche decks that might otherwise be able to play around it.
DShifter is also an option but being a 1-of I felt it was too inconsistent in an already inconsistent deck.
Another option is to drop some handtraps and max out on board breakers like Raigeki/Lightning Storm etc like how Going Second Tenpai used to do.
Hit em with Inscription to prevent GY triggers then slam down Raigeki and OBLITERATE!!! your opp with Exodia.
Extra Deck is basically irrelevant apart from Super Poly targets, Silhouhatte Rabbit and of course, Exodia.
Overall a very simple and easy to play deck. You will either win fast or lose fast with this deck.