
Master V from on February 28th, 2025
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 810
50 cards

Notes & Combos

Hi, this is the first time I've ever reached Master rank since playing this game for over a year.

Before this, my main decks were either azamina, mathmech, or various rogue decks like Horus or Eldlich. The issue with many of these decks is that the current meta filled with high hand traps and powerful boards forces players to win the coin toss or open enough hand traps going 2nd to clean up next turn.

Millennnium does this easily, as the game plan is simple: Summon Unstoppable Exodia and open enough power cards (Droll, Maxx C, Mulcharmy, Retaliating C, Nibiru) to shut down the opponent. Super Poly is a great going 2nd option, and is also fine going first as it gives you an extra interruption. Dimension Fissure is not only a great floodgate against the fiendsmith meta, but also shuts down many of the hand traps (Veiler, Ghost Ogre) that would shut down your Millennium plays.

Retaliating C is the best hand trap vs the azamina engine as its a turn ender in many cases. Not to mention that linking it off with a millenium monster adds MAXX C. For decks that don't care about retaliating c, we have droll and nibiru which can end turns against many decks, and are great draws off of your maxx c, mulcharmy, or phantazmay.

As I cannot afford a playset of super polys or D Shifter (which should be an auto include), I instead put in Phantazmay as a budget option. Phantazmay is a great pick for this meta, as many decks use the fiendsmith engine to make Link plays, which always makes this card live. Not only does he help dig through your deck turn 0 to find your more power hand traps, but the extra body can also come in handy to push for damage, and potentially insulate your Unstoppable Exodia from cards like Effect Veiler.

Other options I am considering for this deck include Spooky Dogwood, as she forces the opponent to either end the turn or face a giant Exodia the following turn. She would also help the main weakness of this deck, which is hefty LP costs. She would also be better than Sebek (which im not playing here) as her activation requirements are easier to fulfill, and she would give you more life points off a single engraver summon than Sebek would in the majority of cases.

All in all, this is a relatively cheap, (assuming you have the staples), simple, and effective deck in the current meta.

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