Notes & Combos
Powerful and efficient OTK, if not, decent board control that is beginner friendly. As the name implies, the play style is like any other Rank 8/8-Axis deck, but this one simply leverages the Horus architype for its 8 Rank plays.
This deck plays off of the general premise that timing hand-traps on decks with efficient recovery is always a -1. Thus, we're avoiding Ash and playing only into Special Summons (Maxx "C" and Mulcharmy's) + 3 Lava Golem's. Additionally, only the core of Horus, and nothing more. Lastly, we include the Snatch Steal for The Zombie Vampire plays.
(Good) Going Second:
- Summon 2 Horus, XYZ into Number 90 (Nibiru bait or Effect Veiler)
- Summon 2 Horus, XYZ into Number 97 > Number 100
(Bad) Going First:
- Summon 2 Horus, XYZ into Number 90 (Nibiru bait or Effect Veiler)
- Summon 2 Horus, XYZ into Number 68 (lock out opponent from GY)
Mini-Search Engine: Rainbow Bridge
- Discard with Imsety, Forbidden Droplet, or Super Poly
- Immediatelly chain and banish Rainbow Bridge
- Search Crystal Beast Rainbow Dragon + Walls of the Imperial Tomb
- Discard Crystal Beast with Trade-In or King's Sarcophagus fodder.
Other Sample Combo's (Board Cleanup: 4 cards):
- 2 Horus > Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Gragon : eff- take opponent's monster
- 1 Horus + Opponent's monster > The Zombie Vampire (detatch)
- Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Gragon > Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon > Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon (destroy face up) > Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon (destroy any other)
- The Zombie Vampire + Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon > S:P Little Knight (pop one more card)
Notes: Always bait out the Ash - make the most reductive plays to push it out, then make sure you have a fallback play. If you need non-targeting removal: Dingirsu is your BFF. And Gizmek is a double-edge sword: delay his summon until you have all 4 horus out of the deck OR you have a +50/50 at game or one more turn.