Infernoble Knight

Master V from on February 6th, 2025
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 900
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Most common End Boards:

  1. Charles x2, Ferocious Flame, Gearfried, Angelica and Angelic Ring. Promethean and Roland in GV.
    • Summary: Spell and trap negate and destroy x2, Spell negate x1 (even Super Poly or Droplet), Pop x2, Monster negate and destroy x1, and special from GV with Ferocious
  2. Idem 1 without Gearfriend.
    • Summary: Idem 1 but you lose Monster negate and destroy
  3. Idem 1, Flame Swordsdance and Salamandra with Chain.
    • Summary: Idem 1, plus flip down x2 and special x2. An extra pop x1 through Ultimate Flame Swordsman + Roland
  4. Idem 1 and Baronne.
    • Summary: Idem 1, plus omni negate x1
  5. Idem 3 and Baronne -> Replay vs SuQuaReD (Tenpai)
    • Summary: Idem 3, plus omni negate x1
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