
Master V from on February 5th, 2025
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard Kashtira


38 games from D5 TO M5, 73.7% winrate

Coin Flips

Won: 18 (66.7% winrate)

Lost: 20 (80% winrate)

  1. I think the 15 handtrap ratio helped alot with the going 2nd win rate.
  2. I noticed alot of Lab players in my run and Belle put in mega work.
  3. Chengying was never made but its there to help beat over towers that's not Chaos Angel.
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ID: 196-268-481

REPLAY 001: LABRYNTH (さそり座の女)

Ghost Belle into Ogre control.

REPLAY 002: STUN (152)

Another Ogre control. Bro learned he cannot activate effects under Bagooska even if you send for cost.