Notes & Combos
Standard Kashtira
38 games from D5 TO M5, 73.7% winrate
Coin Flips
Won: 18 (66.7% winrate)
Lost: 20 (80% winrate)
- I think the 15 handtrap ratio helped alot with the going 2nd win rate.
- I noticed alot of Lab players in my run and Belle put in mega work.
- Chengying was never made but its there to help beat over towers that's not Chaos Angel.
ID: 196-268-481
REPLAY 001: LABRYNTH (さそり座の女)
Ghost Belle into Ogre control.
REPLAY 002: STUN (152)
Another Ogre control. Bro learned he cannot activate effects under Bagooska even if you send for cost.