Notes & Combos
Wanted to build pendulum and fiendsmith together for the memes and somehow started winning lol
Joker and Monkeyboard searches each other. Opening one of the two guarantees a search for the high scale, Celestial Magician. This sets up the scales, which you can use to pend summon Bystials and hand traps.
Joker can also search Revolution Dragon, which synergizes well with Bystials. By discarding Revolution, you can search Chaos Emperor, then banish Revolution to special summon a Bystial. You can then scale Chaos Emperor, then use its effect to destroy itself and add the banished Revolution to your hand, then use it to search Lightwurm (tuner for Baronne and light for Chaos Angel) or Aether (target banish and a level 6 to make Beatrice).
In other cases, Joker, Monkeyboard, and Revolution Dragon can also be Ash bait for before you discard Engraver and go full Fiendsmith Combo.
Going first, the usual goal is to make at least 3 bodies and go for fiendsmith combo into Beatrice > send rollback and Mayakashi trap. Ideally, you would also make Apollousa or Baronne to protect Beatrice from being negated. Beatrice is very easy to make because of the amount of level 6s in the deck (even Monkeyboard is level 6).
If you open one of the two traps, you can summon Knightmare Goblin to discard it (that's the only reason it's in the deck lmao).
Going second, the deck relies on Bystials and non-engine (up to your preference). Aether is also MVP, because you can activate the banish effect twice (once with pend summon, and once with Exceed the Pendulum).
And of course, the Fiendsmith engine, Accesscode, and Chaos Angel are good going second options, along with TYPHON as a last resort.
The main issue with this deck is that it can be bricky like most Pendulum decks. Nevertheless, you can always pend summon your bricks so it's not that big of an issue.
Code if you want to watch my replays :)