
Master V from on February 27th, 2025
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Playing only 1 Maxx "C" to cross it out every once in a while. I refuse to support this! (It's not because I get overwhlelmed whenever I have too many cards in my hand!)

I don't really care about Imperm, so I skipped it to reduce my chances of bricking. Droll is insanely good right now - imo.

Whenever I can, I make sure to get Raider's Wing attached to my Raider's Knight combo.

If I have Bloom Vulture + extender, then I normal summon it and go into Force Strix. Most people will assume you don't have anything else in hand to activate its effect and negate your Force Strix - I figured. If they negate it, I extend and go into S:P with Force Strix and whatever else I summon. Then I use the first effect of S:P to banish herself to clear my board and activate Bloom Vulture from GY to start the real combo. Just REMEMBER that you can't use Fuzzy's effects in that turn if you wanna go for S:P!

I've only tried to reach master to prove a point to myself, and the RR community helped me a lot to stay motivated!

Anyway, I uploaded a bunch of replays on YouTube during my journey and have a lot of content left I have yet to release. You are welcome to check it out if you like.

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ID: 614-230-943