Notes & Combos
My attempt at making a vaalmonica deck with sky striker cards. Baits handtraps fairly well and kaina can build extra counters which can come in clutch.
Eagle booster keeps people from bullying zebufera and makes bagooska pratically invincible if you fail to build enough counters for link 1s
You pretty much have to hard commit to using zebufera though to make use of the sky striker cards.
Typical combo would be like. 2-2.5 card combo Scale/Seleetrice
- Activate scale effect to get both out by pitching a card.
- Summon Seleetrice and search for scelta
- activate scelta and search invitare
- Use invitare second effect to put dimono in extra deck and angelo in hand.
- Pendulum summon dimono and angelo
- Overlay angelo and seleetrice into duragess the timeless.
- activate duragess. Pitch card perferably a spell. Keeping 3 spells in grave is essential to using camelias ability and to get a draw off engage.
- overlay dimono and duragess into camelia. Pitch engage or whatever striker card you want.
- link into kagari to get engage.
- link into kaina.
- activate engage and get whatever card you want.
- link into zebufera, set cards and pass turn.
Replays Gameplay of me using deck