White Forest Azamina

Master V from on February 12th, 2025
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

In the remains of a now ruined forest, two girls chose to fight the Sinfuls to claim back their home and bring back their master, corrupted by the Original Sin of the Azamina

Welcome to this new decklist, welcome to my second episode of "doing random thing with White Forest", this time as a full-speedrun engine for Azamina.

Gameplay explained

Find a way to access the sinfull engine, via Azamina Elzette or Diabellstar. Click buttons, find a way to put as much card on board and pray to win (ladder is tough atm).

Best end-board possible

Saint Azamina, with Moa, Baronne, Diabellez of the White Forest and one of the traps, if not both, plus a discard spell. But a more frequent board state is Saint, Ilia, Diabell, and some trap/HT. Or just a random White Forest pure board. Or a pure azamina board.

Or a random Ilia + HT/Trap if you see a mulcharmy or Maxx C.

Random tech card you wont see anywhere else

As usual, time for "random card that does in fact have a role here" :

  • The Sinful trap is mostly here because it's a sinful, overall you can swap it for smtg else but it can be a great piece of endboard;
  • Azamina Debtors is just a second target for your Deception, because people love to ban our fusion spell (and its a free revive of ilia btw);
  • Queen azamina is free material for Deception and the searched spell, as it will come back on field to be fuel, so it's a free Saint Azamina by itself;
  • Azamina Sol Erysichton is here to clear some untargettable card, especially Saint Azamina on the op board
  • Azamina Moa is here for the mirror matchup, like Sol, and to revive Diabellze (any sinfull car trigger it, yeah yeah even when your op is the one activating it, so its a perfect "anti mirror-match").

Final words

A "conventionnal" build overall, feel free to ask question in the comments, some replays are below ^^

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ID : 919-594-216

Dont mind all the "The Weather"'s replays ^^