White Forest

Master V from on February 5th, 2025
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

So, unlike last season, reaching M5 was surprisingly easy — I did it in just two days (from D5).

I’m not sure if it's because I finally managed to achieve good ratios or because people are waiting for the new expansion to start playing, but it went well both when starting first and going second.

The list is quite standard. The only real threats are Maxx "C" (and Fuwalos), but apart from that, you can brute-force through every other hand trap.

The Diabellstar package helps diversify plays: you can send Toys or Astellar, and the trap provides protection from board-breaker cards. If you're confident the opponent doesn't have any ht and you have Astellar plus a spell/trap or Toy, you can try the Astellar line, which ends with Baronne, Diabell, the Mannadium counter trap, and Woes: this endboard is stronger than it looks.

I've been using the third Maxx "C." When it gets restricted, I think I'll add a second Fuwalos or maybe a second Chicken Game.

Helpful tips:

  • WF send for cost, so you can always start the toy engine with it.
  • Diabellstar set trap, works under droll and ash,Visas drow instead.
  • Tank special summon from hand if you dont have toybox, i almost lost a game for that missplay.
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