
Master V from on January 31st, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 390
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This run to Master 5 was streamed live at

"I keep saying that it's getting too much

But I know I'm a liar"

I kept track of my winrate on stream, but I started from Gold so I don't have the total numbers.

Initially I had Shifter in the Deck but it ended up not autowining games like it did last DC Cup, so I cut it. I added Droll midway into the month, but the avergae matchup didn't care about it so I cut it. I faced 3 SHS players in total. One of them bricked and lost, the other didn't.

If I don't open a Nordic, Speedroids make Invoker to Summon Ivaldi and get me the followup. If I don't open Adventure, Speedroids make Cherubini to mill Enchantress. If I open both, Speedroids make Bamboozle to negate Nibiru etc (I summon Gryphon on opponent's Main Phase).

Only PEP never came up. Maybe I should run the Lv11 Trish at this point?


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Check my vods at for the games. Keep in mind that vods get deleted after some time.
