
Master V from on January 14th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 540
50 cards

Notes & Combos

I got this decklist idea from a video I saw a while back :

One of Traptrix's problems is its lack of 1 card combo, not to mention its lack of playability around handtraps. Wakaushi and Bike fix these problems, in addition to being 1 card combo (End board with only one of the 2 in hand: Apo 3 negates, Hyperyton, Regulus, a Trap Hole of your choice, Discolosseum, Sera+Holeutea in the graveyard so you can reborn her during your opponent's turn and 5 cards in hand including Dionaea) they allow you to bait Ash for Sera, play around Nib by making Baronne and make boards even stronger than those possible with a classic Traptrix or Traptrix Therion decklist.

You can find examples of possible combos with the deck here, to help you understand how these engines work together if you unfamiliar with them :

The ways of starting are numerous and the endboards can vary, but you'll often have at least 5-7 interrupts despite the hand traps (especially against ash and imperm).

This is clearly not the best deck, it can be extremely bricky (having Mardel, Benkei or Discolosseum is terrible, and too many Staples/Traps in hand is not what you want even if you can temporize with them). The deck list isn't ultra-optimized either: if you want to hit Master 1, there are obviously much better decks out there, but if you like Traptrix and are looking for a hormone-boosted version, you should try it!

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