Vanquish Soul

Master V from on January 15th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Vanquish Soul continues to be my favourite deck in the game by a wide margin and I highly recommend it to everyone that's interested.

Now as for my personal deck choices, first and for most the lack of shifter and TCBOO. For the latter my coin flip luck has been pretty mid as of late so it would do more harm than good as I'm in a fine potition going first. Now for Shifter I just don't like her due to how many games she just autowins. That being said if you don't have this issue then absolutely use her, there has been many games were if I had her over a d.d. crow I would have easily won.

The Kashtira package is something I'll drop for a bit. While by no means bad with even just rise heart being at worst a fire attribute, with Fenrirs limit it feels like it comes up way less. I'll probably add a pantera, a rota and a kurikara or a d.d. crow in its place.

Continue has also came in clutch several times for me so I'm going to keep it.

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The two latest replays on my account are relevant to this specific decklist.