
Master V from on January 25th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck got me from Plat I to Master V in one day. I just went on a casual 18 W-Streak all the way through diamond, which leads me to believe this deck is still very strong.

I have two variants of this deck in my profile from last duelist cup where I used Zoo-Kash to climb to 16k points. Feel free to check those out for a bit more insight. But since that was last banlist there are a couple things new about this deck.

First off we now only have 1 Birth and 1 Fenrir. This deck doesn't really feel that nerf, since I already only played 1 Birth an we can sub out the other Fenrir for a big Bang. This makes it so we brick a tiny bit more and see Fenrir not as often, but with Unicorn our Endboard still sees Ariseheart, Unicorn and Fenrir so not much is lost from this.

Secondly I cut Thrust and all that comes with it. I originally played those because Purrely and Kashtira were the number one Meta Threats at the time and Thrust made those matchups significantly easier. In fact I had a 80% winrate against Kash with this deck in the DC. So I thought the removal of those decks from the format was this decks biggest nerf, but as it turns out Zoo-Kash performs quite well against Branded, Lab and even Mathmech, which were most of my matchups in Diamond.

For those decks i subbed out Thrust and Thrust targets for 3 droll and 3 TTTalents. Talents was originally just a placeholder until I figure out what I need in this format, but it performed so well that I never felt the need to change it. Since we now dont run Thrust together with Avarice anymore, 1 Zoodiac Combo is mandatory I believe, since we just lack recursion without it.

We also cut back from 42 cards to 40. The additional consistency is just a godsent in this format.

Everything else can be read in my other deck profiles on my MDM Profile.

All in all the climb seemed incredibly easy with this, but I noticed a significant lack of SHS in Diamond. Which is why I can't give any insight on that matchup. But droll and Maxx "C" should help keep that deck in check a little bit.

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Master Duel ID: 228-666-918

Replay 1 (Jan24 with 5 Turns): This Replay is against Branded and shows off basically all the gas this deck has. From Zeus to Arise-Heart to your standard Zoodiacs, it's just so much the opponent has to get rid of.

Replay 2 (Jan24 with 7 Turns): Another against Branded. This is the most common matchup I played and I always try to Hardline for Megaclops in that matchup. They struggle so hard to out that thing.

More replays can be found in my other deck profiles!